Metro Leaders Visit COR Campus


This week, Metro City Council Member Juan Carlos Gonzalez filmed a video of the tour that he took along with Metro Council member Duncan Hwang and Marta McGuire, Metro’s Director of Waste Prevention and Environmental Services, to COR Disposal and Recycling’s 12-acre property in East Portland. Gonzalez highlighted how our local government works with local companies to advance equity, environmental goals, and grow Portland’s circular economy.

As the COR Campus innovation hub continues gaining momentum, the partnerships will forward-thinking leaders like Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Duncan Hwang, and Marta McGuire are central to everything we do at COR.

“Aligning with elected officials like councilors Gonzalez and Hwang, and of course everyone knows Marta McGuire is one of the key drivers of progress in Portland, is critical to creating the public & private partnership our City needs to build the green economy of the future,” said Alando Simpson, CEO of COR Disposal and Recycling.

Council Member Gonzalez and others at Metro continue showing the leadership our City needs to take on some of the biggest challenges we’ve faced.

“We need leaders who will take action to address the root causes of our economic and social inequality. Locally, this means taking on houselesness, lower housing affordability, growing commute times, economic development and climate change while centering communities that are hardest hit,” said Gonzalez.

We look forward to continuing to work closely with council member’s Gonzalez and Hwang, as well as the person who truly makes Metro “go,” Marta McGuire, to make Portland a leader in not just addressing our climate crisis, but turning it into an opportunity to build Oregon’s green economy of the future.